“Helping Barristers Chambers with their IT and Technology”

Watch the video here.

What will I learn?

This is a short video which provides some insight into the options available for chambers to use Microsoft to better manage devices and security for different working parties (staff and Barristers).

There are options available for Chambers to create a simple, secure and stable operating environment which contains the flexibility required for internal staff and external barristers to be able to operate.

If you are a Chambers looking at reviewing your IT Infrastructure and would be interested in an independent advisor working with you to help define and activate a secure IT operating infrastructure, then I would be happy to arrange a call to hear more about what you are looking to achieve. 

How long is it?

Less than one unit (5 minutes)

How can I contact you?

If you are would be interested in finding out more about how I can help your firm or would like to obtain some independent thoughts on a concern or frustration you have, click here to make contact. I am always happy to speak with prospective clients, no charge or obligation.


“How to reduce the risk of IT decisions in law firms”


“How law firms can make IT projects a success”